
Houzz - Interior Design Ideas

Houzz is the world’s #1 app for those renovating an apartment, building a house, decorating a room.

Over 25 million photos, design ideas
– High-resolution interior photography — filter by room, country and city, style, budget, size
– Save your favorite photos to idea albums, add your own notes, share collections by email
– Write notes on top of saved photos using Sketch.

Verified contractors
– The most complete database of interior designers, architects in Russia and the world. The ability to ask the author of the project a question under each photo from the application.
– Over 3 million professionals on the site
– Search for an available contractor by zip code — in your city and neighboring cities

Houzz magazine article newsletter
– Interior reports you’ll want to copy
– Expert advice applicable to our reality
Twice a week, free after registration (or we’ll have to annoy you with a banner reminder).

► Houzz only supports Android versions from 5.0 and above.
► At one stage of installation, the application will ask for access to your contacts to share content. You can choose not to grant this access — this will not affect the correct operation of the application.

Previously, there was a great application, but now it is completely useless! The controls are inconvenient, nothing is clear.... My old review: A good application, everything is fashionable and interesting. There is one suggestion - to be able to read articles in different tabs, like in a browser. But now you read an article, see a link in the text on an interesting topic, go to it, from there to a third article, etc. What was the first needed article about - you forget.
Google User
I would give it a solid 5, but the message Who are you? Select answer options pops up, but there are no options, and the message cannot be removed, only to delete and install the app again, but the message appears again. I can't see anything. Everything was great before
Valentina Tungusova
I have been using the Houzz app for a long time and with pleasure to search for ideas and inspiration, I follow trends, although I am not a designer, but Houzz gives me the joy of immersion in beauty) a couple of times I looked for professionals for consultations, and it was an extremely useful experience! I like how the choice is organized, many criteria, I like the section with thematic articles, I like that you can "travel" around the world) the app is very lively and diverse! In my opinion, one of the best apps!
Nataly Ts.